Beauty Monday: The Sexiest Trick In The Book

Every Monday is dedicated to beauty here on VE. Obviously, I chose a career as a hair and makeup artist, so beauty is very important to me. Beauty and making people feel their sexiest is my job.

Lately, I’ve been thinking a lot about when April and I first started VE and if you read last week’s post “Behind the Screen” you already know that we started Velvet’s Edge after both going through pretty terrible break ups. For me, it was a time in life of brokenness – piecing my heart back together and finding myself again. Velvet’s Edge helped me do that. Now she and I are both in completely different places and the blog is too. We’ve got a whole new following that relies on us and our expertise for news and how-to’s in our own respective fields. I love it and would never change it, but I don’t think I would be doing my job fully if I only kept my focus on outer beauty. Through my “rough patch” a few years ago, though little changed on the outside, I was digging deep and learning to love the person I truly am. That became more important than whatever lipstick shade I was wearing that day or even more than how to fill in my eyebrows…..and trust me…..I think that is VERY important. (Find that video here….haha).

I recently read a book called Love Warrior, by Glennon Doyle Melton. If you haven’t read it, I HIGHLY recommend it. She writes with a honesty that is borderline brutal and also extremely courageous. It’s beautiful. I wanted to share these few paragraphs with all our women out there…and actually any men readers too. It’s Glennon Doyle Melton explaining to her young daughters what sexy is. If I ever have a daughter, it would be exactly how I want her to see the world and herself and beauty. Until then it’s how I want to love and care for my own heart and also my friends and loved ones. Hope you enjoy and feel as beautiful, sexy and empowered as I did reading it. If I’ve learned anything in my 10 years in the beauty field, it’s that the heart is where true beauty starts ……the lipstick shades are just for fun.


“I think sexy is a grown-up word to describe a person who’s confident that she is already exactly who she was made to be. A sexy woman knows herself and she likes the way she looks, thinks, and feels. She doesn’t try to change to match anybody else. She’s a good friend to herself – kind and patient. And she knows how to use her words to tell people she trust about what’s going on inside of her — her fears and anger, love, dreams, mistakes and needs. When she’s angry, she expresses her anger in healthy ways. When she’s joyful, she does the same thing. She doesn’t hide her true self because she’s not ashamed. She knows she’s just human — exactly how God made her and that’s good enough. She’s brave enough to be honest and kind enough to accept others when they’re honest. When two people are sexy enough to be brave and kind with each other, that’s love. Sexy is more about how you feel than how you look. Real sexy is letting your true self come out of hiding and find love in safe places. That kind of sexy is good, really good, because we all want and need love more than anything else.”

Find Love Warrior here.


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