The Perfect Fall Outdoor Workout


If you live in Nashville, there is a good chance that Fall is your favorite time of the year. The weather is gorgeous but often comes and goes too quickly. With temps already dripping here, I am taking advantage of using the outdoors as my gym.

Below you will find some of my favorite moves that you can incorporate into your next run or walk!

Start: Map out 2 miles and plan to stop 4 times, about once every ½ mile. You can make this longer or shorter depending on how much time you have.

Each time you stop…

1. 20 Split Squat Jumps (10 each leg)

A park bench works great for this move, but it can be anything to elevate your back foot. Make sure to get low into your split squat and explode through your front foot so that it comes off the ground.

2. 20 Tricep Dips

Your fingertips will face forward and your elbows will kick straight back as opposed to the sides. Keep your back as close to the bench as possible. For a little extra burn, kick one leg straight out to feel your hip flexors work.

3. 20 Incline Pushups with Shoulder Tap

Place your hands on the edge of the bench or object you’ve found and perform your pushup. At the top of each rep, tap each shoulder with the opposite arm. You should feel this challenging your core and shoulders!

4. 20 Mountain Climbers

These can be done on the ground as a modification. If you’re feeling good, try them against a tree or a wall like shown!

Side note, if you are not an outdoor person or when it gets cold, you can take this workout to an inside on a track or a treadmill.

Click on pics to shop Britt’s outfit!

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