Olivia’s 5 Favorite Workout Moves from 2015

Knowing what works for you and your body is important, but part of getting in shape is trying new things. I am constantly tweaking my workouts. With that said, there are definitely workouts that I do more often than others because I know they work for me.

Keep scrolling to see my top 5 strength moves that you should definitely incorporate into your workouts, plus 2 cardio options that have nothing to do with a treadmill.

Top 5 Strength Moves

5 favorite workouts1 5 favorite workouts2

Donkey Kicks & Fire Hydrants
These are my favorite additions to any workout. You can do these 6 days a week, as far as I’m concerned. It’s a great burnout for your glutes. I do these two glute exercises religiously.
How To:
6 min session
30 secs Right Leg Donkey Kicks
30 secs Right Leg Fire Hydrants
30 secs Left Leg Donkey Kicks
30 secs Left Leg Fire Hydrants
Repeat 3x’s
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Box Jumps
This is my favorite leg workout! This post will show you that I love leg day. Every girl wants pretty legs, think Carrie Underwood legs, muscular but lean. Box jumps are a sure way to work toward your leg goals. Use a set of stairs to start at a comfortable level and work your way up to higher jumps.
How To:
These are great to do in a pyramid. So work into a workout set by going 15…12…9…6…3… I like to do them 2x’s per week.
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Dumb Bell Swings
Dumb bell swings are, again one of my favorites. This works multiple parts of the body, but I really see the results in my legs.  You can start at a lower weight and work your way up. To keep you from any back injuries, make sure to keep your back flat. No arching!
How To:
Bend legs, weight comes down in swinging motion, and control the move up to bring the weight above your head.
20 swings
Repeat 3x’s
I try and incorporate these 2 times per week.
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Bicep Curls
Bicep curls are a easy way to tone your arms, and can be added to any workout.
Grab any weight, keep elbows in tight.
15 curls
I try and incorporate these 2 times per week.
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Weighted Lunges 
Lunges are a great leg tone, and can be done a ton of different ways. Pictured here I am doing weighted lunges. But I also love a walking lunge, reverse lunge, side lunges… you get the point. The variety of options puts this weighted move in my top 5.
How To:
12 alternating weighted lunges
I try and incorporate these 3 times per week.
2 Alternatives For Cardio
5 favorite workouts
High Knees 
First, let me address that I’m actually doing a single leg box jump in this photo. It looked the closest to high knees, so use what ya got… right? I’m actually shocked that I have not been photographed doing high knees because this is one of my favorite forms of cardio. I don’t love cardio in general… who does?, but high knees are a great way to get your blood and muscles flowing.
How To:
60 secs of high knees
15 secs rest
5xs for warmup or you can work it into the middle of a workout
Jumping Rope
Again, I hate traditional cardio like running. But I do like jumping rope. It’s an easy way to get your heart rate up and all of your muscle groups burning.
How To:
Add 5 mins on to the beginning and end of a workout.
I like to incorporate this 3x’s per week.
I would love to hear your favorite workout moves! Write in and let me know.
– Olivia


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