Would you paint your doors purple?

Well, most of you will be shocked to know that my neutral loving self painted a clients doors purple. Maybe everyone should take cover because hell might be freezing over. 🙂

How did this happen?

My client loves purple and the natural route would be to buy some purple pillows or purple art. Since I love the Lord and purple pillows are against my religion, I had to really think about how I was going to incorporate purple, in a big way, into this space. Then it hit me, the doors, paint the doors. The key to this is to keep the rest of the space neutral.

The first photo is my clients purple doors. But if you keep scrolling you will find some colorful doors that I am loving on Pinterest.

Here’s the thing, if you want to incorporate color and normally you are a neutral lover, try painting a set of your interior doors because it’s not difficult to repaint a door if you don’t like it. But this is coming from a girl who chopped her hair off one month before her wedding. S0…..

purple doors

Pinterest photos below

painted doors

painted doors2

painted doors4

painted doors3

painted doors1


What do you think?



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