How To Style Your Coffee Table

How To Style Your Coffee table

As someone who is working on 20 homes at any given time, I have really dropped the ball on bringing you guys all I’ve learned as an interior designer. First, let me confess that I am not hoarding my knowledge, I’m actually a little nervous sharing on this topic. Expressing my thoughts on fashion is simple. I share what I like. Sharing my craft and career feels a little more vulnerable.

For me, my job usually involves tearing structures apart and putting them back together. Which IS NOT what I plan on sharing with you guys. However, at the very end of the ‘putting it back together’ process, I get to select beautiful things that really make a house a home.

Today I am addressing… the coffee table. Kelly brought to my attention that after she purchased some new coffee table books, she styled them the way she remembered me styling a client’s coffee table. I was dumbfounded that she wouldn’t automatically know how to do this, just as she was when she found out I didn’t know how to apply highlighter to my face. (If you haven’t caught on, through her post, she is a make-up artist.)

So, I am excited about our new How To videos, but also a little terrified that this might seem elementary to some of you. So, um, here it is:


1. Add a tray. Try and get a tray similar to the shape of your coffee table. My pick was this option from West Elm.

2. Add fresh flowers: This is tricky because I am not a huge flower person. I typically side with greens. Any sort of succulent or green based flower or plant is usually the direction I lean.

3 . Add a unique piece. Go explore around your home or your grandparents home and see if you can find an option that you have overlooked all these years. Something a little dated looks great in a more modern tray.

4. Add coffee table books. This is a must for me. Here are some of my favorites:

Elements of Style.


Tom Ford.

World’s Best Cities.

Black and White and a bit in between.

5. Add a candle. I am obsessed with these Capri Blue candles lately. I also doted on these candles in a previous post.

Video was shot and produced by Justin Key and Jessica Wardwell from Wilder Media. Check out their instagrams: @wildermedia, @justinnolankey, @jhwardwell

Photos by McGuinn Photography.


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