Beauty Products in my fridge

The Beauty Products You Should Be Keeping In the Fridge

Apparently we aren’t the only things effected by intense summer heat. Your skincare, make up, and daily products could all be suffering and a quick move to the fridge can save them. I recently purchased the cutest tiny beauty fridge to keep my jade roller and eye creams cool just because I like the feel. However, I researched a bit and found that a lot of beauty products actually thrive in cooler temps, especially the organic ones. Preservative-free formulas will last much longer when they are refrigerated because organic extracts can spoil much faster without the chemical preservatives. Besides that, it is just refreshing to have a cooling factor to your skincare after running around all day in the summer heat or even when preparing for your day.

The VE team put together our list of beauty products that we think you should keep in your beauty fridge:

Beauty Fridge

Facial Roller

I am a huge believer in the depuffing powers of a jade or quartz facial roller. You can thank me later when you take it out of the fridge and roll it over your tired temples.


Eye Cream

Hot weather can make it tough to get good sleep, therefore, causing puffiness under your eyes. An ice cool eye cream helps decrease those eye bags in the morning.


A chilled sheet mask is the best thing for calming your complexion.

You can shop my all time favorite mask here at a discounted price with code VE15.

Retin A


Facial Mist

A face mist can be your best friend on a hot day, the refreshing sensation is only better when the bottle is fresh out of the fridge. Try a rose based formula for a calming relief from sticky skin.


This summer heat can easily transform your eyeliner into a smudgy wreck. Putting your eyeliner in the beauty fridge for a minimum of 10minutes before the application will help control the application.

Nail Polish

Nothing worse than opening your favorite nail polish and seeing its content turned into a tacky texture. Keep it cool to keep the integrity of the solvents maintained.

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