How Olivia Wore It: Nike's and a park workout!

One of my favorite things to do is get outside for a workout. Luckily, Nashville has tons of amazing parks around the city. If you can find a place with a steep hill or stairs that will ensure that you get a fantastic cardio and leg workout. When I am doing outdoor workouts, Nike is one of my go-to’s. Below you can catch up on my favorite Nike pieces, as well as, jot down my park workout for the next time you are headed outdoors.

Olivia's Nike park workout Nike work out Nike kicks Velvet's Edge and Nike Nikes and stairs nike

(click images below to shop these Nike pieces)

Olivia’s Park Workout

If you have stairs or a hill, use that. If not, just do level sprints.
  • Run the stairs, hill, or sprint for 30 seconds
  • At the top do this sequence:
    • 10 push ups
    • 10 reverse lunges each leg
    • 10 squats
  • Run back down the stairs
  • At the bottom do this sequence
    • 10 walk out push ups ( click here if you want to see details on a walk out pushup.)
    • 10 forward lunges each leg
    • 10 sumo squats (click here if you want to see details on a sumo squat.)
  • Repeat 3-5 times
 Hope you enjoy!

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