Things To Do For Valentines Day



Sure, Valentine’s Day can be a little cheesy. It can also be an amazing excuse to have fun and celebrate love with friends, significant others or family. Here are some of our ideas on ways to switch it up from your normal Valentine’s Day plans:

Play Tourist In Your Own Town

We can all get a little monotonous about the places we visit in our own towns or even just staying in most nights. This holiday is the perfect time to try a new restaurant or visit some of the places you would refer a visitor to! Here are some of my Nashville faves. Click here.

Eat Breakfast In Bed

Who takes the time to eat breakfast, much less enjoy breakfast in bed. If you want to do something sweet for your sweetie, this is an amazing way to start the day of love celebration.

Wine and Chocolate

Let’s all get a little bougie and ask your local wine store for recommendations on food to pair with your wine. Even if it’s chocolate, it’s fun to act like you know what the “notes” you are tasting are. 🙂

Host A Game Night With Other Couples 

Nothing like a good game night. Plus, if you’ve been together a long time it may be fun to get together with your couple friends and all celebrate together.

Re-create Your First Date

The beginning of a relationship is all about the butterflies and that oh-so-amazing Honeymoon phase. What a better way to celebrate your love than to look back at the times you actually fell in love.

Unwind At A Spa

This one is just a #duh.

If you are local to Nashville, check out my favorite place to go here!

Cook Dinner Together

Activities together are always bonding. This one is great because it gives you a good meal to boot. If you are looking for something tasty, but also healthy, one of my faves, Whole 30, put out a bunch of recipes for your V-day dinner.



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