My Holiday Recharge Plans & A Thank You To You Guys!!

reminder to breathe.

I’m not the biggest fan of the holidays (I know, I know, call me the grinch). I like routine and predictability. Maybe because most of my schedule is all over the place, so the days of the week being normal and predictable is one thing I can count on. However, the pause this time of year always reminds me to take a deep breath and relax. As I was contemplating the next few days of holiday, there were a few things that came to mind, so I thought I would share:

1. Just…Thank You.

I cannot thank you guys enough for the immense amount of support I have felt this year. As Velvet’s Edge keeps on growing, I am seriously blown away everyday by all of you. The fact that you keep showing up, the encouragement and love you give me and mostly how freaking funny y’all are. Numbers wise, VE has doubled in size in a year, but even more importantly I feel like I’m making friends and getting to know so many of y’all from your messages and our convos back and forth. Thank you, thank you, thank you. It ALWAYS makes me smile and I am more appreciative than you will ever know.

2. What am I going to do to RECHARGE? Starting today, Christmas Eve:

  • put my phone and computer down for 3 days. Ahhhh. This sounds both awful and awesome. I never do this, but I feel like a full recharge includes quiet time to think and be present with my family and friends.
  • make gratitude list. I talk about this a lot and try and do it everyday, but sometimes when I stop and reflect it becomes even more important to look around me and see all of the things I have to be grateful for. I hate that I don’t just automatically notice this stuff, but I just don’t. I move too fast or get hit with hard life stuff and just get distracted, but the truth is that there is always something there for me to thank the universe for.
  • fill up my soul. This is hand in hand with the gratitude list, but maybe let’s add reading books in bed, drinking tea in a long hot bath and journaling. Things I love to do, but rarely make time for when I’m busy.
  • SLEEP. Y’all, I may sleep 12 hours a night and I’m not even going to feel one bit bad about it. C-A-N-N-O-T wait.
  • Exercise. Movement makes me feel good. So maybe it’s exercise, maybe it’s dancing? Maybe it’s a long walk outside. Just something that makes my body feel good.
  • No alcohol until New Years. F*&^ you tequila. After all the holiday parties, you and me need a break. We will meet again I’m sure, but my liver needs some rest. K bye.

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  1. Thank you Kelly! ??Wishing you and yours the best this holiday season. I look forward to all your tips, tricks and advise in 2018.

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